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Send HIPAA Compliant Faxes Online.

Send a fax from your phone or computer using our native mobile apps or online web platform. Completely HIPAA compliant.

FaxFlow web platform
FaxFlow app snippet - fax sent
FaxFlow mobile app snippet - new fax

Choose from our mobile apps or online platform

Whether you prefer to fax using a native mobile app or just a website, we’ve got you covered. Just choose your preferred way of faxing below.

Why choose FaxFlow?

While faxing speed, quality and convenience are our top priorities, unlike many other online faxing solutions, we put your privacy first. We don’t store your files on our servers after faxing and only use HIPAA compliant protocols to deliver your faxes.

HIPAA compliant
Online, no app solution
Native mobile apps
FaxFlow fax delivery email confirmation

How to send a fax from your phone or computer online

Choose your recipient

Choose the country of your recipient and their fax number.

Upload your documents

Upload one or more files / images you would like to fax. You can also add a fax cover letter.

Preview and send

You can preview the final fax before sending. Once you confirm, your files will be faxed to your recipient.

FaxFlow web platform


Yes, you can send faxes from your phone without a mobile app using FaxFlow's web platform.